Crown Prince Dipendra is said to have kept several guns in his room, he was always shooting crows or bats in the palace grounds, he was ambidextrous concerning firearms, and these were the character traits cited for shooting up his entire family! I don't want to sound like a spokesperson for The U.S. National Rifle Association or its Nepalese counterpart, if any, but it is true that guns do not kill people, only people do. We grew up with guns all over the house; Dipendra did not enjoy monopoly on this score. When I was young my favorite pastime was to check all the guns my father had, dismantle them, rebuild them again, take aim and click the trigger. There was an assortment of handguns and rifles. There was the German 9 mm Luger Pistol dating back to Hitler's Third Reich with an attachable butt to make it into a rifle. There was also the American Colt .45 caliber automatic U.S. army issue pistol, the one my father killed a tiger with. It was heavy; I could hardly hold it in m...